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​The governing body has a range of duties and responsibilities. The role of a Governor is to offer challenge and support to the school, acting as a critical friend. Governors have the task of ensuring high quality provision for all pupils results from the joint endeavours of all staff, pupils, and all levels of governance. The Local Governing Bodies play a crucial role in assisting the Trustees in meeting the demands of their accountability, by providing focused governance at local school level, most accountability particularly in representing the views of the school’s stakeholders, including pupils, parents, staff and the local community.

Meetings Dates for 2023-24

The meeting dates for the Local Governing Body meetings for the 2023-24 school year are:

Wednesday 11th October 2023

Monday 4th December 2023

Monday 18th March 2024

Monday 1st July 2024

Trust Board Link 2023/24

Sam Woolhouse

Governor's Dashboard

Governors 2023/24

GfS Quality Mark.webp

Governors Attendance 2023-24

Ms Gill Beckett​

Role: Chair of Governor (Co-opted)

Business Interests: None

Gillian is now retired following a working life which included teaching, nursing and management. She taught chemistry and biology at a grammar school and qualified as a nurse and nurse tutor. After experience as a clinical nurse she worked as a nurse tutor teaching student and pupil nurses and also engaged in the continuing education of qualified nurses. She has managed a school of nursing in higher education and has experience of management in the health service and in higher education.

Post retirement Gillian has several years of volunteering as a school governor at two secondary schools and now at Sidmouth Primary School. Her special interests are in the science curriculum and helping children to read. She is also a grandmother so has further direct experience of how schools function in today’s world and some of the positives and challenges of being a young person in the 21st century!

Mrs Steph Greenwood
Role: Chair of
 Governor (Parent)
Business Interests: None

I became a Parent Governor in 2020; I wanted to become a Governor to support both the school and feel that I could make a difference by being involved in helping to guide the school to deliver the best possible school experience for the children possible.
I have 3 children - my oldest has completed their Primary education at Sidmouth and is now in a Thrive Trust Secondary school. My second child is still attending Sidmouth, and my 3rd is not old enough to attend yet however I plan to send him to Sidmouth in Foundation 1.
Other than being a parent and a Governor, I have worked for the NHS and in the medical sector for 20 years.

Mrs Ruby Thompson
Role: Vice Chair of Governors

Business Interests: None

Ruby is the Co-Artistic Director of The Herd Theatre, a charity that makes theatre and arts projects for children and families across the UK. Ruby is passionate about equity in the arts, and keen to dismantle barriers for children and young people, to enable them to have culturally rich lives. Ruby is a Theatre Director and has experience in fundraising, finance, managing teams, and working with children with an SEND need, and is the Designated Safeguarding Officer at The Herd trained by NSPCC. 

Dr Margarita Zernova​

Role: Parent Governor

Business Interests: None

I have been a parent governor at Sidmouth Primary since July 2021.  I am a lecturer in Criminology at the University of Hull and a programme director for MA in Criminal Justice and Crime Control.  The main area of my academic expertise is restorative justice, and I was pleased to discover that Sidmouth Primary uses restorative approaches and circles in daily practice. I hope that the skills which I have learned during the years that I have worked at the University would be useful for acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the school, and I would like to give something back to the school and the local community.

Dr Carolina Font-Palma​

Role: Co-opted Governor

Business Interests: None

I am Lecturer at the University of Hull with a background in chemical engineering. My work involves teaching undergraduate and masters students in engineering and doing research on technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. I became School Governor to Sidmouth because I would love to see that children get exposed to science and maths and find them interesting, and even a future path when getting older. I’d like particularly to see the encouragement of more girls into science. I bring my skills as educator and engineer as well as my interest to reduce our impact in the environment and climate.

Ms Oluchi Madu

Role: Parent Governor

Business Interests: None

My name is Oluchi Madu, an author and Talent Maximization Coach. My work focuses on helping children explore their talents.

As a Parent Governor, I would like to champion initiatives that encourage creative expression and exploration within the school curriculum. This could involve introducing creative writing workshops, storytelling sessions with visiting authors, or even incorporating more open-ended play activities.

I'm confident that my skills in communication, advocacy, coaching and creative thinking would be valuable assets to the governing board. I'm eager to contribute to the continued success of the school and ensure it remains a place where children can flourish.

Mrs Katy Wardall

Role: Staff Governor

Business Interests: None

As a second year ECT teacher, I have spent the last five years developing my skills and knowledge as an educational practitioner. I am passionate about the development of primary education and I am committed to the continuous improvement and development of educational provision. I am able to consider topics critically and reflectively and I have the ability to be diplomatic when contributing to discussions while respecting the views of others. I have built strong relationships within the school community and believe that my position in the classroom and as a fresh pair of eyes in education make me a strong candidate for governor.


Mr Chris Lambert, Role: Chair of Governors

Resigned 13/07/23​

Miss Kat Rose​, Role: Staff Governor

Resigned 13/12/23

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