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Congratulations to Sidmouth Primary School - Eco Schools Green Flag Award #2

Paul Browning (Development Team)

Congratulations to Sidmouth Primary School on gaining their Eco Schools Green Flag.

This is what the Eco Schools Assessors had to say


Fantastic work, Miss Hyde

We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Sidmouth Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

We reviewed your application and noted the following:

It’s brilliant that members of your Junior Leadership Team are given responsibility for recording Eco-Committee meeting minutes. This will give them a sense of ownership and support them to develop their oracy and communication skills.

The involvement and interest of your Head of School and Chair of Governors in your Eco-Committee meetings is brilliant. It sends a clear message to your Eco-Committee that their work is vital and valued, and this is very empowering for young people. We were delighted to read that the Environmental Review process helped you to identify those areas in which your school could be more eco-friendly whilst highlighting the great work you had already been doing to reduce your energy consumption.

We loved how you looked outside your Eco-Committee to other school stakeholders, such as your Site Manager and admin staff, for broader input into your review and help answering the questions. A combination of passion and pragmatism has informed your detailed and incisive Action Plan, which outlines a diverse range of projects that involve and benefit the whole school and wider community.

It’s brilliant to see you rolling up your sleeves and tackling those areas that scored lowest in the Environmental Review. This shows you have an ambitious, confident and dedicated Eco-Committee – great work! You have provided practical and fun curriculum examples, which impressively build on the projects you have worked on in your Action Plan. This is a great way to add context to your Eco-Schools work and means that young people at your school are given the opportunity to learn about important environmental issues and then the chance to work on these issues – a great dual approach.

We love how diligently you and your Eco-Committee have promoted and invited participation in your Eco-Schools activity through assemblies, meetings and your engaging and beautifully-designed Eco-Board.

We were equally impressed by your involvement in community initiatives and fundraisers, such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day, which is testament to a charitable spirit and outward-looking approach. Your parent quote made us smile and we hope you take pride in how you have equipped your young people with the passion, knowledge and confidence to carry the eco-message into their homes and communities.

We really like the simplicity of your acrostic Eco-Code, which reflects your school’s environmental ethos and reminds us how, collectively, those small individual actions can have a big positive impact. T

hank you for submitting a great application. We have really enjoyed reading about your journey this year and we hope that you take great pride in the hard work and determination of your staff and Junior Leadership Team in delivering impactful environmental action.

It gives us great pleasure to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag – congratulations!"


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